Leader_PageLeadership and Growth Solutions

The core fundamental of sustainable development and growth is grounded in good character, whether in personal leadership or business. We therefore believe that for any individual, group or entity to freely grow and expand sustainably requires in part identifying the roots of good character engraved in human behavior, built in business practices and in the formulation of ideas.

Our leadership and growth solutions, crafted modules and training, therefore focuses on inspiring and unearthing the true fundamentals of personal leadership, sustainable business growth and empathetic support for the society. Our core leadership and growth solution modules whether through webinars, online video training , live seminars and consulting are grouped under:

Please visit the Ascent store to order the leadership solution that best meets your need. Our evaluation program takes a systematic approach to determine the most valuable direction for your incremental growth. You can also  Register now with your requirements and we would be glad to guide you through our modules.

AdaptabilityEntrepreneurship & Small Business

Ascent entrepreneurship and small business services cover training programs ranging from transforming your ideas into products and services.

Our consulting and advisory on building infrastructure is modeled to help you sustain your business and expand your footprint beyond its current state. A range of online entrepreneurship training series, webinars and live seminars and consulting modules provide insights, skills and strategy to support your vision. Our range of entrepreneurship and small business solutions includes:

Register now or visit the Ascent store to order the solution that best meets your need.

Corporate Finance & Investments

Capital budgeting decisions have grey areas but Ascent adopts an extensive and a fundamental approach that is both qualitative and quantitative. We partner with corporate entities to arrive at sound decisions.Please  Contact us or visit the Ascent store  with your corporate finance needs and we will be glad to start a conversation.

Our corporate service range from:

Technology & Systems Solutions

Technology and for that matter financial systems growth and advances are changing swiftly. Our knowledge of technology and systems make us the first choice to consult. Contact us with your request. Our technology solutions range from

Research & Data Services

Quality decisions require quality data. We research and provide current information for your business. Provide us with your requirements and data needs and we deliver on time. Please  Register and provide us with your needs.

Consumer Product Branding & Exports

Ascent has a range of branded consumer food products sold locally in the U.S and export markets to Mexico and Africa. We will deliver to your restaurant, hotel, bar, warehouse, retail outlet or where ever the need may be.