
An integrated vision that balances and fully incorporates the improvement of the entire human condition, rooted in the fundamental principle of synergy and not ignoring the other, truly defines success, sustainability and brings meaning to life.

This requires the understanding of the human whole and marrying them into one full force into getting results such as closing out on projects, identifying positive NPV investments (investment that balances cost and benefits both qualitatively and quantitatively) and opportunities, maintaining a healthy lifestyle which includes optimal BMI, portion size control and balanced diet, financial prudence, physical and mental fitness, stress management, family well being, mental acuity and stability and identifying your spiritual core. Any other to the contrary leads to vision disorientation resulting from the extreme focus on achieving results on certain aspects of our lives whilst ignoring or putting less value on the others.

Steve is 36 years and had a successful career as a Financial Analyst and reputed for his intelligence and attention to details and getting results for his clients. Commitment to work and delivery of key organization metrics was excellent and consequently was being rewarded financially by the firm he’s undoubtedly served with excellence. With the haste and extreme focus on his career and the bottom line, Steve was gradually drifting away from family values and paid little attention to his health.

On the eve of 2012, Steve experienced an excruciating pain in his chest, if not for timely intervention of his wife and the medical team he would have been dead. He had suffered myocardial infarction (a heart attack). He had ignored his elevated LDL (bad cholesterol) and advice to manage his weight, watch his diet and increase physical fitness from his previous doctor’s appointment. In the subsequent days, Steve spent substantial amount of time in the hospital, recovering and in shock. Meanwhile, a stockpile of work continued to mass on his work desk. The take away; had Steve been more mindful and proactive about an integrated financially focused career development and his health vision; perhaps he would have improved his odds of an untimely heart attack and prevented a potential career setback.

Hence, whilst focusing on our financial vision, it is imperative that we consciously and consistently carve an integrated vision that incorporates the human whole and our circumstances. Such balanced approach not only enhances clarity of purpose but also creates a long-term financial sustainability that is not counter productive.